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Best Advice You Got at AF?

It's a common scene that someone post a thread seeking advise and many people chime in to offer advice. Which is great.

My question is, looking back at your own/or others' questions, what's the best advice you've ever got at this forum?

You mean how to be well spoken? ;-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 01:03PM by bchadwick.


Best Advice I 'got' at AF was how to speak 'good' grammar.


"Pull out."


ChickenTikka Wrote:
> Being Born Wealthy > Being Jewish or WASPY > Born
> Pretty > Top 5 MBA > CFA > Avg MBA > Born middle
> class > Born lower class > Born in crack house >
> Born middleclass in Asia and working in IT but
> looking to switch to buyside


"Every one must foucus a fact !"


"T.T SOS !"

-- qqqbee


Thanks to AF I contacted Boris. He's solving a backlog of pending matters I had been carrying for a long time (he works on a retainer fee, for those interested).


MBA vs CFA, right wing vs left wing, Fat vs Skinny, 10 hours vs 1000 hours study time

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 08:26AM by pedpenny.


Anything said by qqqbee


passing Level 1 means nothing


"The food at Javits is awful. Bring a bag lunch."

In seriousness, the endless dissection of the finer points of problems is helpful, but I don't know that I've received life-changing advice that I can remember.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.

