LOS a: Calculate and interpret the prices of a synthetic call option, synthetic put option, synthetic bond, and synthetic underlying stock, and infer why an investor would want to create such instruments.
Q1. Referring to put-call parity, which one of the following alternatives would allow you to create a synthetic riskless pure-discount bond?
A) Buy a European put option; sell the same stock; sell a European call option.
B) Buy a European put option; buy the same stock; sell a European call option.
C) Sell a European put option; sell the same stock; buy a European call option.
Q2. Referring to put-call parity, which one of the following alternatives would allow you to create a synthetic European call option?
A) Buy the stock; sell a European put option on the same stock with the same exercise price and the same maturity; short an amount equal to the present value of the exercise price worth of a pure-discount riskless bond.
B) Buy the stock; buy a European put option on the same stock with the same exercise price and the same maturity; short an amount equal to the present value of the exercise price worth of a pure-discount riskless bond.
C) Sell the stock; buy a European put option on the same stock with the same exercise price and the same maturity; invest an amount equal to the present value of the exercise price in a pure-discount riskless bond.
Q3. Referring to put-call parity, which one of the following alternatives would allow you to create a synthetic stock position?
A) Sell a European call option; buy a European put option; short the present value of the exercise price worth of a riskless pure-discount bond.
B) Buy a European call option; short a European put option; invest the present value of the exercise price in a riskless pure-discount bond.
C) Buy a European call option; buy a European put option; invest the present value of the exercise price in a riskless pure-discount bond.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 15:35:04编辑过] |