以下是引用jansonli在2009-9-1 19:20:00的发言:
To: Libero, I don't have ACCA. I just have ACA. You don't need both. There are a lot of overlap between these two.
To 88link88. to take ACA, you need an employer to sponse you. Big four the most common employer who sponse ACA. Normally, people in UK spend 3 years on finishing all exams. ACA 6 professional stage exams, 2 advanced stage and 1 case study. that the old format. Now they change to 12 professional stage exams. 6 e-assessment and 6 application paper. please let me know if you get more questions.
and just to clarify, I write this post just to share my experience with someone with similiar background and want to take CFA, not to show how 'Niu B' I am. If the ' clear pass' annoy any of you, you can treat it as 'marginally pass' . not interested in arguing.
Not to "sponse you"(actually I don't know what's the meaning), but must train you to be an ACA. Which route do you take to ACA? DO you know how many Chineses have got the ACA designation? How long will a Chinese already with CICPA designation in the big fours will take to complete all requirements to ACA? Nonethelss, I can be confidentially sure that any guy, who must learn Accounting Knowledge from ACA course or exam, most likely to accomplish all ACA courses in from five years to eight years range.
Anyway, the FSA part in CFA exam is surelly ABCs of Accounting Knowledge, don't need you to study ACA course materials to understand them.
Congratulation to your achievement in CFA exams, but pls don't exaggerate anything,keep your words in line with reality, the world is actually very small. Actually a lot of informed and well knowledgeable guys here in the BBS forum.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-9-2 10:27:57编辑过] |