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Howd Wrote:
> Congrats making it through so early, you are in
> great shape.
> Since you have four months it is a good idea to
> use the third party resources early and the actual
> CFA stuff later so their wording/trickery is
> fresh
> -Do all the Schweser mock exams. Reread the text
> on the areas you get wrong. For the AM section
> focus on time management, only give yourself 2
> hours to complete the section
> -Once you are done with Schweser mocks do one of
> the older past CFAI AM exams so you get the feel
> of how it is written.
> -Work through all the EOC questions
> -Do the CFAI past exams, again focus on time.
> -Take the mock CFAI and buy the samples.
> Use the Qbank rarely (like when you have a spare
> few minutes)

This is where I'm still trying to figure out the best approach. Done w/ the readings and finished my formula flashcards. But I don't remember enough from the readings to take on a full exam just yet... so not really sure where to practice to build up that retained knowledge.


equiv is right on the money............i would only add material seems easier test is def harder


GIPS EOC answers look businesslike and to the point . I will memorize key points and do bulleted answers if it appears in essay q's


I'd focus on the EOC as well.


No one has any input?


My plan is to read schweser and do all CFAI & schweser EOC twice. Than I'll do all Schweser practice exams (think is 6) & the CFAI mock. I have also planned extra time to practice an efficient workflow for AM section. Think doin' tons of questions is again key...

