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In some ways, this industry is like Harvard. The hardest part is breaking in. I know what it feels like, trust me. This isn't exactly happy advice, but the longer you drag out the process, the harder it becomes.

The back office positions are much easier to get into. I know a few that have tried that route to get in, but you're still looking at a large uphill battle


oops my bad, thanks for the correction, i always get confused on the too, haha.


CPA is for auditing, CMA is for cost accounting and budgeting.


I think you and I are facing the same dilemma,
overqualified for many entry level jobs but underqualified for many jobs that require experience.



the short answer is there is no relevancy whatsoever. you are better of doing a CMA to get into auditing.

I totally understand your concerns though. I have a bachelor and a masters in finance, plus i passed cfa level 1, I no experience and had no breakthrough in anything related, not even an unpaid trainig. Its been like this for years, so i have finally settled into an unrelated job to pay rent and im still looking for a break.

the only way out of your dilemma is to network with people. i personaly really suck at that so ill have to improve on it i guess. good luck

