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Q#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70%
-Alternative Investments18--*
-Corporate Finance36--*
-Equity Investments72--*
-Ethical & Professional Standards36--*
-Financial Reporting & Analysis72--*
-Fixed Income Investments36--*
-Portfolio Management18--*
-Quantitative Methods18--*

Funny thing is Econ and Derivatives were 2 of my strongest sections going in. Go figure.

Started in Feb after taking 2 months off after passing LI. Seems like I am a much slower worker than some others here - i put in 485 hours from Feb till exam day, leaving the last 3 weeks for mocks and then reviewing them. Read all the stuff once in Schweser, then did it all over with problems and note taking. Then third time through on some parts. Key for me is repitition and keeping things fresh. If you study something in March and dont see it again till end of May, its likely you will forget it.


Almost on CFA text except for practice tests.

7 above 70, 2 between 50-70 and 1 below 50.



Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 18 - - *
- Corporate Finance 36 - * -
- Derivatives 36 - * -
- Economics 18 - - *
- Equity Investments 72 - - *
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - *
- Financial Reporting & Analysis 72 - - *
- Fixed Income Investments 36 * - -
- Portfolio Management 18 - - *
- Quantitative Methods 18 * - -

Started in Feb (after finding out about Dec10 L1). Used Schweser notes to study material, and CFAI text EOC questions. I also made my own flashcards which i reviewed constantly when commuting after I finished initial review.

In hindsight I would liked to have started in January. Finish thorough review by mid April latest. Leave 6/7 weeks for practice tests. Do a full test on Saturday, review it on Sunday, then use Monday - Friday going over everything you got wrong and doing practice problems from wherever (I used qBank, CFAI EOC, and Schweser) and flashcards if you use them. repeat until exam day.

Friday before test - no studying after 3pm. Take the day off, sleep in do light review in the morning. Go to a movie that night just to get out of house.

Good luck!



one month prep, last 15 days serious prep. Did only schweser practice vol1. Some EOC questions from CFA books. Bombed both CFA mocks and practice exams, and felt terrible after coming out of the exam hall. Wanted to do Qbank, but did not have time, there was too much material to cover.



2 Weeks of Prep, 7 Days of Cramming Shaweser, and 7 Days of 7 Mocks.

-Alternative Investments18--*
-Corporate Finance36--*
-Equity Investments72--*
-Ethical & Professional Standards36-*-
-Financial Reporting & Analysis72--*
-Fixed Income Investments36--*
-Portfolio Management18-*-
-Quantitative Methods18-*-

