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no no, just identification- which standard it violates


For the test, do you need to know the order of each of the 7 standards and sub-standards (i.e. be able to state that Standard II (B) is Market Manipulation)?

Or do you just need to be able to identify when something violates the Standards and why?


Read it from the curriculum thoroughly once now and once again in May. Make sure you do the questions in the curriculum as well. I didn't pass last year, but did well on Ethics on the mock and the real test.


read through the Code of Ethics that they have on the CFAI website, it has a ton of examples and problems, prob don't have to read the whole thing as it is massive, just scroll through & print the end of section problems. Study the same way as you should be with other sections- do all the problems you can find. Good luck, somehow they make the questions very tricky.

