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The correct answer is C


Gamma is the rate of change in delta. It measures how fast the price sensitivity changes as the underlying asset price changes.



3、When an option’s gamma is higher:

A) delta will be lower.

B) delta will be higher. 

C) a delta hedge will perform more poorly over time. 

D) a delta hedge will be more effective. 



The correct answer is C


Gamma measures the rate of change of delta (a high gamma could mean that delta will be higher or lower) as the asset price changes and, graphically, is the curvature of the option price as a function of the stock price. Delta measures the slope of the function at a point. The greater gamma is (the more delta changes as the asset price changes), the worse a delta hedge will perform over time.



4、Gamma is the greatest when an option:

A) is deep in the money. 

B) is deep out of the money. 

C) is at the money. 

D) has a shorter maturity.



The correct answer is A


The above diagram is for a long stock, long put strategy (portfolio insurance). The loss is limited to the cost of the option while the potential upside profit is unlimited. Note that the portfolio insurance payoff diagram is identical to the profit/loss diagram for a long call option, however a long call is not one of the answer choices.



AIM 8: Define, compute and discuss theta, gamma, vega, and rho for option positions.

1、Which of the following is the best approximation of the gamma of an option if its delta is equal to 0.6 when the price of the underlying security is 100 and 0.7 when the price of the underlying security is 110?

A) 0.00.

B) 0.01.

C) 0.10.

D) 1.00.



The correct answer is B


The gamma of an option is computed as follows:

Gamma = change in delta/change in the price of the underlying = (0.7 – 0.6)/(110 – 100) = 0.01



2、How is the gamma of an option defined? Gamma is the change in the:

A) vega as the option price changes.

B) theta as the option price changes.

C) delta as the price of the underlying security changes.

D) option price as the underlying security changes.



AIM 4: Compute delta for an option.


1、The deltas of puts and calls are most sensitive to changes in the underlying when:

A) both calls and puts are deep in-the-money.

B) both puts and calls are deep out-of-the-money.

C) calls are deep out-of-the-money, but puts are deep in-the-money.

D) both calls and puts are at-the-money.



 The correct answer is D


Call and put deltas are the most sensitive to changes in the underlying security (i.e., gammas are largest) when the option is at-the-money.

