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kunalcfa, don’t worry about it man…having said that, do let us know if you do receive any letter from CFAI prior to the release of the result ok…but hopefully, you don’t receive any….fingers crossed


Everyone in toronto was talking with their neighbor as soon as the proctor said “stop writing”… I don’t get why people talk to their neighbors… a) you open yourself to some ‘little hitler’ proctor reporting you like the OP and b) I listened to these conversations around me and they inevitably resulted in one party feeling like sh*t for missing one of the ‘tricks’ in the exam… I’m glad that my neighbor didn’t utter a word the entire day. Thank you stranger.


Just go check violation statistics and examples to be sure. The punishment ranges from written warning to permanent suspension. I guess you’ll just get the warning, and your exam will be graded. However check it out for yourself on CFAI page.
Spanish proctors are pretty lax. But still I wouldn’t talk during the exam. And I wouldn’t answer if somebody would talk to me. Just ignore.


dude, seriously dont worry about it man. common sense will prevail and you will be absolutely fine. i actually think that there is a good chance that the proctor wont even write anything. he/she would’ve mentioned it to you just to scare you a bit, but they wont.
even if something is mentioned, cfa will have to give you a massive benefit of the doubt.


At worst, I say you get a caution letter, and nothing more. Don’t worry about it.


Wow… my L3 testing room was *loud* after time elapsed. Everyone was chatting with their neighbor.


did she tell you she was writing you up?


That’s kinda crazy that she wrote you up for that. I can’t remember if it was before or after the tests were collected, but lots of people were talking about non-specifics about test difficulty and such after the exam. The proctor never told us to remain silent, just not to talk “during the testing period”…


wow that sucks. I cant believe how blatantly everyone was discussing the test IMMEDIATELY after…even while sitting at the desk. This one kid kept going on about how easy it was compared to last year etc


This is a tough one. It will be based on what the proctor writes in his note. If it says “candidates were discussing/talking” they might penalize you, but if it says “candidates were conversing after the exam had ended” then I think you are fine.

