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MPS will likely be where it always is, mid 60s. The level if difficulty on any exam is relative to the individual. Last year had its share of easy questions and hard questions, and personally I found it no less or more difficult (discounting that I understand the content much better this year). People on this forum represent a very tiny minorty of exam takers.


55%-65% for the MPS…gosh that will be like a 80% pass rate it you’re right….


I am def not on the confident boat of riders…. this was a fair and well written exam, but I’d say 55-65% range (No experience/ don’t quote me/ just trying to play the MPS game lol)


Reading you guys comments it seems like everybody feel good about L2 this year. You can be confident that he got at least 70%? I am not…


+1 on gringo_bob’s answer, was about to post the exact same thing.  It sounds easier than last year’s but I don’t think you’re going to see a 10%, or even 8% jump for the whole field!


I think it will be a maximum of 65% this year.
Last year I think it was closer to 60%.


The MPS is not going to be above 70%, no way.  I’d guess it will be mid 60s.


On a related note. If this test is representative of all years I have a friend who I guaruntee would have scored 100% in his year. I wonder how many people do each year?


This could be the first year MPS > 70..  although CFAI said nobody who scored > 70 in the past has ever failed but past performance doesn’t guarantee future performance.


68 implies the top 10 percent got 97% no chance that happens . It was easy but not that easy

