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You are right, I am naive, I apologise to the dedicated cheese farmer.
If I were you I would definitely pay the $100 for the retabulation, sounds like you got screwed.


CFA = Chicken For Alladin.


Cheese Farmer Association
Christian Fellowship Assembly
Comic Fanatic Association
Colleagues & Friends Appreciation
California Fraternal Association
Centre For Astrophysic
Cubby Female Alliance


I’d really like to know that as well…
I failed band 7, 2nd time retaker, I was pretty confident when I left the exam and I thought they didn’t have a lot of traps this year. Now I completely forgot what there was in the exam apart from a few questions, so I can’t really say if the results are realistic.
I know I had erased a couple of answers in ethics and left some marks, but that’s not going to bring me to a pass!
I’m actually quite happy to leave CFA life in exchange for more free time and a social life, the most painful thing right now is telling all those people that I didn’t pass, especially after saying that I had a good feeling about this exam…
So I’m very curious, has anyone had any changes at all in the results after a retabulation?


Has any1 ever succeeded in a re-calculation?


I am shocked as well. Is it possible from band 8 last year to band 2? I was pretty confident when I got out of that exam! Yes, am going for a re-tabulation!!!!


Around 70ish, maybe a little higher.  I feel like such a tool because I wasn’t even studying much in the past week because I thought I KNEW the material.
The quant and econ sections are the biggest shocks.  I remember being sure I got virtually all of those questions correct… and yet <=50 on both as well?  
I was just googling about the retabulation and I can’t find a single example of someone getting things overturned so that’s depressing.


How were you doing on the mocks simply?


That is scary. The only way I can figure that would happen is if you filled in bubbles wrong somehow. Otherwise they could have mixed up test scores which I hope to god I didn’t get your results and yours mine somehow.

