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By the way, you talked about studying at dawn. How do you manage to get out of bed that early and concentrate on your studies? I've been wanting to do it, too, but without success.


Hi Damoch,

Don't give up.

1st of all, there are still 25 d left until the exam. That's plenty of time to get from your 40's scores to the 70's and 80's, especially if you're planning to take time off from work.

If you have the Schweser notes as well as the CFA books, you should be pretty much set.

And if worst comes to worst and you do fail, then you already have a solid (40%) base for the December exam. Waiting half a year is not the end of the world.


Oh, its beatthecfa! Great guy!

Yeah, more of forgetting the formula or inadequacy of depth especially in Quant,FI,PM & Derivatives. I have a feeling that I could dramatically improve if I really have time to 'dig the trenches' but I dont know if the time left can be enough.

I also started with Shweser Practise Volume 2, not 1 and i learnt yesterday that the Volume 2 is more difficult than usual.

Any help and advice would do.


dont give up ..try and identify your mistakes in the tests and read those again and again , whenever you are reading news papers (markets) etc try to relate especially economics , fixed income .

you have scope to improve your score till the day before the exam so keep pounding questions and make sure you are not making careless mistakes


Do you feel that you really KNOW the material. Are you making careless mistakes, forgeting formulas, or do you just not know how to get through the practice test questions?

