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We're talking about passing, not geting top 10% results. reasonably easy is only a comment for those who put reasonable efforts and expect to pass (not to get a cold medal). I'm just not comfortable seeing people complaining so much crap. Every candidate took the same exam. It's an equal opportunity for all. And if you really want to help improve the exam, go to the CFA website, they have special channel for it. Complaining here doesn't help at all.


以下是引用voyagelu在2007-6-8 12:18:00的发言:


哈哈,我写的SSR指sum of squared residuals,也就是SSE

notes的SSR指sum of squares regression(方差可解释部分)


我觉得部分考题的提问方式英文理解起来很绕,跟我们做的sample 提问风格很不一样.因此需要花时间去理解.郁闷!


感觉自己过不了,如果有想12月再次take level I 的考友,欢迎跟我联系! joy9you@yahoo.com.cn


以下是引用lshj82在2007-6-9 0:16:00的发言:
I feel the exam reasonably easy if you put into enough efforts. Why are you complaining so much? There aren't many outlandish concepts at all. You can't ask for that every concept on the exam paper to be exactly the same as in the note or the curricularm. The power of the CFA knowledge block lies under deep and comprehensive understanding of those concepts. And when their looks change, you should be able to distinguish and tell what is underneath.

ok, reasonably easy..dont forget to tell us ur result after u got it~

see how many 90% u can get~

i dont really understand why you feel the difficulty is "reasonable easy"

not only me but  quite a few students also complain the exam as i know

maybe u r from CFA institute or what~ i dont really know

but if u r a candidate who really took the exam and see what the questions like, it is really stupid to praise CFA and contribute all faults to candidates! 

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 15:13:39编辑过]



I agree, then how to use SSR to get SEE, it doesnt show on the book

I remember SST = SSE + SSR and SEE = sqr[SSE/(n-2)]


I feel the exam reasonably easy if you put into enough efforts. Why are you complaining so much? There aren't many outlandish concepts at all. You can't ask for that every concept on the exam paper to be exactly the same as in the note or the curricularm. The power of the CFA knowledge block lies under deep and comprehensive understanding of those concepts. And when their looks change, you should be able to distinguish and tell what is underneath.


以下是引用x-stephon在2007-6-4 0:46:00的发言:





[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-6 16:48:36编辑过]


well, at the end of July we will surprisingly find the pass rate would go below 30% globally.

and then everybody would read the stupid textbook and help make accounting and economic profit for CFA institute


for me it's the same, morning session is quite okay, but afternoon session is surprisingly tough. Many questions to choose yes/no...and the quantitative questions are not like I expected, many abstract judgement, instead of practical calculation, like TVM etc.

