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Which of the following is most likely not one of the behavioral investor types identified by Pompian?
The adventurer.
The Independent individualist.
The adventurer.

The adventurer is from the Bailard, Biehl, and Kaiser (BB&K) five-way model which classifies investors along two dimensions according to how they approach life in general. The first dimension, confidence, identifies the level of confidence usually displayed when the individual makes decisions. Confidence level can range from confident to anxious. The second dimension, method of action, measures the individual’s approach to decision making. Depending on whether the individual is methodical in making decisions or tends to be more spontaneous, method of action can range from careful to impetuous. The five behavioral types identified by the BB&K five-way model are the: adventurer, celebrity, individualist, guardian, and straight arrow.
The Pompian behavioral model identifies four behavioral investor types (BITs): passive preserver, friendly follower, independent individualist, and active accumulator. The Passive Preserver and the Active Accumulator tend to make emotional decisions whereas the Friendly Follower and Independent Individualist tend to use a more thoughtful approach to decision making.

