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以下是引用nzharbinger在2009-6-12 11:00:00的发言:




有谁知道那题spread duration with equal weight得是选沙么阿,接下去后面那题DD和这题有联系马?



treasury 本身的spread 是0, 因此只要考虑 另外两个 spread,而且 他们的 spread duration 就是他们自己的duration.




以下是引用chon在2009-6-12 10:56:00的发言:


越是稀罕的 repo rate 越低


50题我也选 inflation

因为interest rate 低的话,根据汇率--利率平价, currency will apprecation





有谁知道那题spread duration with equal weight得是选沙么阿,接下去后面那题DD和这题有联系马?


以下是引用nzharbinger在2009-6-12 10:00:00的发言:

28 Alt Inv Repo lower rate for both


我觉得第一个repo rate低,第二个高


50 Fylasia The currency appreciation question – interest rates





越是稀罕的 repo rate 越低


50题我也选 inflation

因为interest rate 低的话,根据汇率--利率平价, currency will apprecation



28 Alt Inv Repo lower rate for both


我觉得第一个repo rate低,第二个高


50 Fylasia The currency appreciation question – interest rates





以下是引用azimao在2009-6-12 1:16:00的发言:
1 Ethics Trade allocation - violation
2 Ethics Traded on material nonpublic info – violation
3 Ethics ?
4 Ethics Flash email and follow-up – not a violation
5 Ethics?
6 Ethics ?
7 -12 portfolio too risky; allocation with clients ,unfair(front-running)
13 Beh Fin - house money (take more risk)
14 Beh Fin - short term memory effect, changing from long term return to annual return (make things worse)
15 Beh Fin - acute vs. chronic (acute)
16 Beh Fin - equity allocation (60% or 50%?, forgot)
17 Beh Fin client is making most decisions but still using professional - self attribution
18 Beh Fin - loss averse ( hold)
19 PM-?
20 PM-?
21 PM-Asset alloc'n Float – first comment was correct, second was correct
22 PM-?
23 PM-Asset alloc'n Strategy= contrarian
24 PM-Asset alloc'n Completeness fund – lose misfit active return
25 Alt Inv SRI – both comments were right (style, negative screens)
26 Alt Inv The manager that was long-only had more constraints
27 Alt Inv The manager with higher leverage would have to liquidate
28 Alt Inv Repo lower rate for both
29 Alt Inv ?
30 Alt Inv ?
31 FI ?
32 FI Duration of 4.5
33 FI Duration of 4.5, with cash flow matching on the first one
34 FI Cash Flow Matching
35 FI Spread duration – 2.53%
36 FI Dollar duration - $341,000
37 FI.2 2-bond hedge – $0.8 million
38 FI.2 Contingent Immunization Cushion – $83,000
39 FI.2 Equity=>cash w/ future
40 FI.2 Rebalance W/ future
41 FI.2 Equity swap for emerging markets – pay interest rate
42 FI.2 ?
43 PM Information ration using IC = 0.6(0.06*100^0.5)
44 PM Active risk = sq of true active + misfit active = 6.3% or something close
45 PM ?
46 PM ?
47 PM ?
48 PM ?
49 Fylasia Investability
50 Fylasia The currency appreciation question – interest rates
51 Fylasia Government reduces import tariffs
52 Fylasia integration cost of capital will fall
53 Fylasia %change in index = a + b * %change in GDP
54 Fylasia ?
55 PM_GIPS ?
56 PM_GIPS Create a new SRI composite
57 PM_GIPS Range highs and lows for internal valuation
58 PM_GIPS Terminated portfolio – August
59 PM_GIPS ?
60 PM_GIPS number of portfolio, not be required to disclose
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-12 1:33:57编辑过]



问大家阿,8181卷有一题算spread duration的,他说equal weight,是不是就简单的把duration加起来然后初以3阿,我记得答案是C 4,还有一题,算misfit return的,为啥么条件不足阿,他就给了portfolio return和benchmark return阿


还有一个题就记得答案是COLLAR. 考试的时候发高烧, 可能有很多回忆的不对,请大家指正.


1 Ethics Trade allocation - violation
2 Ethics Traded on material nonpublic info – violation
3 Ethics ?
4 Ethics Flash email and follow-up – not a violation
5 Ethics?
6 Ethics ?
7 -12 portfolio too risky; allocation with clients ,unfair(front-running)
13 Beh Fin - house money (take more risk)
14 Beh Fin - short term memory effect, changing from long term return to annual return (make things worse)
15 Beh Fin - acute vs. chronic (acute)
16 Beh Fin - equity allocation (60% or 50%?, forgot)
17 Beh Fin client is making most decisions but still using professional - self attribution
18 Beh Fin - loss averse ( hold)
19 PM-?
20 PM-?
21 PM-Asset alloc'n Float – first comment was correct, second was correct
22 PM-?
23 PM-Asset alloc'n Strategy= contrarian
24 PM-Asset alloc'n Completeness fund – lose misfit active return
25 Alt Inv SRI – both comments were right (style, negative screens)
26 Alt Inv The manager that was long-only had more constraints
27 Alt Inv The manager with higher leverage would have to liquidate
28 Alt Inv Repo lower rate for both
29 Alt Inv ?
30 Alt Inv ?
31 FI ?
32 FI Duration of 4.5
33 FI Duration of 4.5, with cash flow matching on the first one
34 FI Cash Flow Matching
35 FI Spread duration – 2.53%
36 FI Dollar duration - $341,000
37 FI.2 2-bond hedge – $0.8 million
38 FI.2 Contingent Immunization Cushion – $83,000
39 FI.2 Equity=>cash w/ future
40 FI.2 Rebalance W/ future
41 FI.2 Equity swap for emerging markets – pay interest rate
42 FI.2 ?
43 PM Information ration using IC = 0.6(0.06*100^0.5)
44 PM Active risk = sq of true active + misfit active = 6.3% or something close
45 PM ?
46 PM ?
47 PM ?
48 PM ?
49 Fylasia Investability
50 Fylasia The currency appreciation question – interest rates
51 Fylasia Government reduces import tariffs
52 Fylasia integration cost of capital will fall
53 Fylasia %change in index = a + b * %change in GDP
54 Fylasia ?
55 PM_GIPS ?
56 PM_GIPS Create a new SRI composite
57 PM_GIPS Range highs and lows for internal valuation
58 PM_GIPS Terminated portfolio – August
59 PM_GIPS ?
60 PM_GIPS number of portfolio, not be required to disclose

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-12 1:33:57编辑过]


以下是引用eastdeer在2009-6-11 1:05:00的发言:


1. 被收购公司的股票被低估

2. 原文明确说在组合中提高比例是合适的



所以没有任何悬念, A,



    A. Prohibition against Use of Material Nonpublic Information.  Members who possess material nonpublic information related to the value of a security shall not trade or cause others to trade in that security if such trading would breach a duty or if the information was misappropriated or relates to a tender offer.



