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[CFA入门] 请教一个关于option的问题

各位兄弟姐妹,在option market and constract一章关于European option lower bound的推导,作者构建了一个如下portfolio( in which the option is combined with a long or short position in the stock and a pure discount bond):

a long at the money european call option with exercise price X, expiring at time t =T.

a long discount bond priced to yield the risk free rate that pays X at option expiration.

a short position in one share of the underlying stock priced at S0=X


the current value of this portfolio is c0- S0+X/(1+RFR)T

我的问题是为什么是减掉那个S0,能不能详细解释一下构建的这个portfolio,尤其是最后那个short  position,谢谢大家。

我感觉貌似不是put call parity的题目。这个地方说的是构建一个portfolio,并不是对put定价。
价格低于X的时候,short postion赚钱,long bond 提供无风险收益,call 不会执行;
价格高于x的时候,call执行,收益和short position的损失刚好冲销,long bond还是提供无风险收益。
总之一句话,在衍生品这部分,涉及本金的position,必然是一个long 一个short.


put-call parity: c-p=s-pv(x)

=> p=c-s+pv(x)

which means, long a put equals to long a call, short underlying asset, and lending money at risk free rate.

