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Difference between debt and liability

This might be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find a clear answer.

When calculating the debt-to-equity ratio, is Total Debt just equal to Total Liability? If not, what are some items that are categorized as liability but not debt?


Debts an interest bearing

Liabilities are not necessarily interest bering

They both a form of financing.


ezbentley Wrote:
> So does "Total Debt" not include short-term
> payables?

Should not


So does "Total Debt" not include short-term payables?


I'm not exactly sure but I'm thinking for debt they mean short term bonds, long term bonds, notes, etc (Financing). Liabilities which wouldn't be counted as debt are things such as wages payable, unearned revenue, etc. Hope this helps.


its generally the case for many questions. but in some rare occasions (i cant remember which ones), some asset items are treated as debt and some liablility items are not considerred debt for analysis purposes.

