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No less than 132 questions,,,

That's the magic number of questions you need be 100% sure of that you got right to pass CFA level 1.


Just because random guesses will be right on average 33.3% of the time, doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to actually get 1/3 of them correct....

Anyways, how can you be "100% sure" on 132 questions? There are plenty of questions you are completely confident about that end up to be wrong..


Arguing over this is a waste of time. Just get back to work!



132 is still the same number if you get all of the ethics wrong but are still 100% certain on 132.

I can factor that in now, but this will be a conservative figure.

There are 36 ethics questions on the exam. I will assume that when CFAI says they will consider giving a certain amount of "extra credit" for people borderline, I will say that borderline is Y%, and that the candidate should score above Z% in ethics. (These are just my assumptions, CFAI does not say this)

So, lets use Y=68% for a Borderline, & Z=80% in Ethics for them to consider and pass you

The new X will equal


Meaning, you'll still need 124.8 questions for sure right with Z=28.8 out of 36 ethics questions for sure right. Therefore, if you know you got at least 28.8 questions of the ethics correct, you only need to be certain of 96 questions more.

This also means that you will only have to score a weighted result of 65.89% on the rest of the exam (other than ethics) to pass.


are u factoring in the pass/fail criteria for ethics?


He's assuminng you know those 132 for sure and guess your way through the rest. Probability of a correct guess equals 0.33


if on the exam it asks u what 70% of 240 is, dont write 132


it's probably more like 168 - that's 70%

132 is only 55%, which I don't think is a pass.


How do you figure that?

