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The What I should have done instead thread

I reckon there is a band 10/9 coming my way in six weeks or so.

With that in mind I thought I would put together a thread with all the things I was wishing I did before the last week of the exam or just did differently (points that I will be taking on board in Dec)

1. Think about concepts from every angle, (buyer/seller/short/long/lender/investor) easy to say but getting through requires it

2. Don't put off memorising formulas etc because you think "sure I'll forget them by the time the exam comes around" because two weeks out you might be burning out not peaking like you thought

3. Just because you work in an area (derivatives) and have studied (econ) before does not mean you can just breeze through but those sections.

4. Practice exam questions the last week or two don't keep going back over sections that are bugging you and then leave no time to get your timing and question answering brain in gear.

5. Work & family life do not fit neatly into your pipe dream study plan.

i cant really say i would have done anything different. I studied for several months, did numerous practice exams and thought i executed to the best of my ability on saturday. Sure there are topics i probably could have used more time to go over but we'll find out if i pass or not. I feel i almost learned the most in the last 3 weeks just doing tests and reviewing them over and learning my mistakes. I would probably start that earlier in the process if anything


I got the 2010 Elan 11th hour guide and a used Schweser Secret Sauce. I mostly referenced 11th hour throughout my studies and I think it was an excellent resource. However, Secret Sauce included diagrams that I drew on during the exam which were really helpful. I would recommend using both side-by-side down the stretch.

I think I would have done several practice exams in April instead of waiting until May to do most of them. Doing a couple in March helped get me on the right track. I probably shouldn't have camped in FRA for 6 weeks solid. Way too long to neglect other study sessions.


I agree with letsdothis. I would've copied every term in the glossary on a flashcard and go through it every day. Also...more Elan...I bought the eleventh hr guide towards the end of my studying and it was great. Should have just went for the whole package back in January. Their videos are a great resource!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 7, 2010 at 04:29PM by Ruby527.


Do you think you'll take it again if you fail?

