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Failed as Band 10. Should I retablate, retake or give up?

I just failed my 2nd attempt. Feeling that I would get a pass after I finished the exam, this was very much to my surprise.
I surely did feel that I knew all the materials and well prepared for it. In fact, in each AM and PM exam, I had 1-1.5 hr left to double check all my answers.
Now, even though failing as a band 10 wasn't easy to take, I have to face the reality and make a decision.
Should I retabulate the result?
Should I register for Dec 2010 exam which will be my 3rd attempt? or
should I just give up?

Knowing that Lvl 2 is at least twice as hard as lvl 1. Maybe getting a CFA isn't right for me.

Level I: Fail

TItem Set
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 8 - * -
- Corporate Finance 20 - - *
- Derivatives 12 * - -
- Economics 24 - * -
- Equity Investments 24 - - *
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - *
- Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - * -
- Fixed Income Investments 28 - - *
- Portfolio Management 12 - * -
- Quantitative Methods 28 * - -

Your score band: 10

Well certainly losing hope is something very bad, i waited for 1 year before mentally preparing myself for Dec-10 exam and my preparedness is 2 fail even 7-8 times. Dude if u have the willpower to clear, u ill definitely suceed.


whui Wrote:
> 0. Change your screen name to "passman"
> immediately, get rid of the negative energy, then
> climb up, dust yourself, wipe the blood from your
> face, and continue the marathon.



@ failureman
qqqbee suggests you to go for "retabulaction"


The question is, do you really want to be an analyst? Is that honestly something you want to spend your life doing? If the answer is yes, the answer to your question should be easy. If not, these exams really *are* a lot of time, and a lot of other things can get done in the time it takes to properly prepare.


guys ...
can u guys please upload the elan material ?

or can u send it to me on .... parthesh_shah1@rediffmail.com


I will add a point # zero to my original list before #1.

whui Wrote:
> To do list in the following sequence:

0. Change your screen name to "passman" immediately, get rid of the negative energy, then climb up, dust yourself, wipe the blood from your face, and continue the marathon.

> 1. Retake (don't bother with retab unless you
> erased and changed your answers a lot)
> 2. Enroll December and start study NOW.
> 3. Re-read all CFA textbooks from beginning and do
> all EOC.
> 4. Drill Quant and Derivative hard (which you have
> <50%), and FRA hard (which you must get 70+ in
> order to pass since it is heavily weighted).
> 5 Improve you Econ part too.
> 6. Go back and redo all EOC again for second
> time.
> 7. Official mock + whatever practice exams from
> your 3rd-party study materials
> 8. Good luck on December 4th.


whui Wrote:
> To do list in the following sequence:
> 1. Retake (don't bother with retab unless you
> erased and changed your answers a lot)
> 2. Enroll December and start study NOW.
> 3. Re-read all CFA textbooks from beginning and do
> all EOC.
> 4. Drill Quant and Derivative hard (which you have
> <50%), and FRA hard (which you must get 70+ in
> order to pass since it is heavily weighted).
> 5 Improve you Econ part too.
> 6. Go back and redo all EOC again for second
> time.
> 7. Official mock + whatever practice exams from
> your 3rd-party study materials
> 8. Good luck on December 4th.


You were in Band 10!1.. don't get discouraged. I am sure the material will still be fresh for you and next time you will be well prepared if you follow above points.
I hope to see you in L2 forums in January

