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Schweser or CFA text - honest suggestions please?

I failed L2 and I am devastated. planning to read CFAI texts for next year. Need your honest suggestion.

I passed level 2 this June by:

Studying 1st book on CFA (as schweser notes wasn't delivered yet)
Rest of the Curriculum on Schweser Notes.
Answered all CFA EOC questions, did not bother with Schweser EOC questions
Did a second pass on Schweser Notes
Did a second pass on CFA EOC questions (with reference to Schweser Notes and CFA text if I didn't know the answer)
Took Schweser Practice Exam Vol 1
Took CFA Mock

On day of exam:
Had a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast

P.S. - as there are only 160 questions on this exam, luck also plays a factor.


people actually use the CFA tesxts?


Used CFAI texts exclusively but also used schweser as an "end of chapter summary/highlights" kind of way to clear things I may not have understood and retention of info. Again, it depends on the person - many people have easily passed with just schweser. I personally enjoyed reading the texts and EOC are great. From that last statement you can tell that I logged a lot of hours. My girlfriend didn't like that.

Schweser practice tests were also great to drill in the content and to figure out weak areas. Averaged 65% on the practice tests - kind of wordy and extremely numerical not like the real exam, but I managed to pull >70% in all areas except ethics.

Exam questions are not as wordy or at least that is what I thought, but damn tricky!


drgonzo Wrote:
> Used only Schweser for L2 and passed in the first
> try. But definitely did all the EOCs, very
> important

Ditto - use CFAI for EOC questions and work them a couple of times in the last month before the exam. I didn't even crack the actual text part. Also, I wasn't a flash card guy in college, but I probably had 500 cards for L2 that I reviewed once or twice per week. That really helped with memorizing formulas and key concepts.


Used only Schweser for L2. I revised everything in the last week.


Used only Schweser for L2, and passed with >70% on all topics.

For L1, i passed with >70% on all topics as well. But, i seriously felt that i over-studied for L1. Read about 75% of the CFAI text for L1, before i gave up and switched to Schweser. Reading the CFAI text was an overkill.

I think its very possible to pass L2 just using Schweser, but its important to thoroughly understand all the concepts and memorize all formulas.


> Schweser or CFA text - honest suggestions please?

Yes. [Don't you love Boolean algebra?]



Used CFAI text extensively to learn....relied on Schweser for review.

Thats the opposite of what I did for L1.

L2 - pass


schweser only. pass. one attempt

