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anyone else burnout yet

Finishing up corporate this week and need to re-charge before hitting equity... what is everyone doing when burnout starts? I'm taking off Friday and have a massage scheduled...

Level III candidate here. Take a couple of days off. It is amazing how a little break can do wonders sometimes. Save your energy for May and first week of June. Those are the crunch times. The exam is won and lost in that time period. Some people that started too early, burn out in May and fail.


got burnout feeling about 2 days ago when doing residual income,
brain wasn't functioning, every practice question was registered to the brain as "WTF".
went to sleep and redid the section the eveing after, felt way better

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 04:29PM by passme.


I was tired after Equity. We gave the study group Christmas week off. It was a little hard to get back into the swing of things but we'll be done with the heavy lifting (reading through all the books and comprising detailed LOS answers) by the second week of March. I'm looking forward to the review/problems months. That's enough to keep me motivated.


I know what you mean.
Im on corporate too.

I was feeling a massive burn out last night and decided to stop studying for a day.
Then I had a huge panic attack and I put in 3 straight hours.


上一主题:Earliest Date to register (Receive materials) for June 2012 Level II
下一主题:Adjusted CFO (Equity)