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Is everything done going through everything once?

I feel f'd because I haven't finished all of the readings yet. Has everyone already gone through their first review already?

What's the minimal amount of time you guys think is needed to review if you've already read Schweser once and done all of the EOC questions in CFAI?

@ Cgeorgan - Do you really think that reading the CFA text made a difference?

I didn't read the text or do the EOC questions the first time around which was a big mistake.

I think schweser does a good job of coverage. When I am doing the EOC questions this time, if I see something that I don't recognize, I will refer to the CFAI text.


@ beingthatguy -

It's like night and day. I took a friend's advice on L1 & L2 (he had passed all 3 exams using Schwesser) and tried to do the same, though he did it 5 years ago. I did fine for L1, but I walked into L2 and got blindsided. If you had tested me on what was in Schwesser, I would have certainly passed - that is, it wasn't for lack of effort.

L2 is the weed-out test. While I can only speak for my own experience, I have found the CFA texts to be absolutely invaluable so far in actually learning the material.

I still have my old Schwesser books, and I'll probably blow through those quickly for formula review. However, nothing (IMHO) beats reading the full CFA texts and learning the material.


60% of way through 2nd Pass (doing CFAI EOC questions). Marking the ones I got wrong for a quick 3rd pass at the end of the month.

Taking two live mocks - May 7th and May 21st. Along with 3 Schweser tests and the downloadable CFA Mock they give you, that's 6 practice tests.

Hopefully my June 4th I will be a ninja.

(2nd time taker here).


Gone through everything once. Forgot most of it. Going through it again. Currently almost halfway done second read-through +EOCs again (which is faster). Then onto mocks and being humbled!


Just started...


Retaker; I'll be done with the cfai texts by the end of April. Did all the EOC questions in progress, but will go back and start repeating for my final month review.

I started studying every day on march 1; but to be fair I'm unemployed so I've been able to study 3 hrs daily.

Did the texts out of order as well; saved equity & FSA till the end (my hardest subjects). Those will both be fresh in my mind.

Happy I spent the time learning from the Cfai texts this time; I actually feel like I know the subject matter this time around. First time I did the Schwesser + qbank (a good 130 hrs if work) and felt totally unprepared when taking the test.


I only started last week, now end of the second book schewser notes. by the end of second book, i have already forgot ALL of quant, great.

dont stress just doe the best you can.

