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Advise on studying materials please

So, I have an undergrad in Finance, with minor in Econ. 3.0 GPA unfortunately … way, way, way back I was a Series 7/Series 63 Registered Rep, and a clerk for a market maker on the equity options exchange floor. My resume is mostly FP&A/Sales Finance for software companies, start ups and public companies as well. So, will significantly outdated Schweser be sufficient for level 1 or should I get one that is fairly update ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 02:17AM by Dr.Mavashi01.

So, Bombs Away !!! I am on for June .... Loved the $490 first time premium, its all for the good cause right ?


What can I say, I am frugal ...


9 years old!!



Yes - price of the study material is included in the exam fees so you cannot register for the exam without purchasing the study material.


I have another one, when you register for level 1 exam on CFAI, is buying CFAI study materials a must? Meaning you cant register for Level 1 without buying it ? Just checking ...



Dude SpyAli is generous enough to give away his Level 1 material for free. You can give your address to him he will courier it to you


Get the new study material.


Yeah, I have level 1 materials that are about 9 years old .... I was under the impression that Level 1 is very fundamental so as long as you have CFA specific material it wont matter much, but again, I am new, so I ask ...

