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Where to purchase Elan Material and which package

Hello everyone,

I am trying to begin studying for CFA Level 1 and I am wanting a direction and advice on which Elan material I should purchase and where. This forum site provides materials but there is also a website dedicated to Elan material on the web.

Has anyone purchased material from the AnalystForum site? Are the material the same as the Elan website material or does it really matter?

Also, if anyone has any general advice about testing material, I can surely use it. I understand most of this information is provided in other posts and I have seen many of them, but I cannot check every post and I would like to move forward with the best information I can. Thanks for information.

Go with their Ultimate Pack. It's definitely worth it to pay the extra $200 for the videos.


I have purchased Schweser Notes and would be buying Mock Tests and Question Bank from ELAN.


The midget is actually an angry elf. He beat me up.


No, you are all confused. When you buy on the


I heard if you buy direct from the Elan site you get an advance copy of the exam and a magnum of champagne is delivered to your door by a midget dressed up as an HP calculator. Can anyone confirm this?


^ lol...

FT students get a nice discount on the whole package. Browse their website...


"Has anyone purchased material from the AnalystForum site? Are the material the same as the Elan website material or does it really matter? "

Are you seriously asking if they wrote two entirely different sets of books, with one inferior to the other, and they sell the inferior version only to one group of customers who come from one website?

Just call them up and ask if there is an Analyst Forum discount or anything.

The only decision you have to make is if you want to spend the extra money on videos, flashcards, or whatever extras they sell. Otherwise it is simple:

step 1: buy study material
step 2: use study material

