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Mock exam scores vs Real exam scores?

For those who just took the Level 1 exam, how did it compare to your mock exams? I am Mainly

talking about the Stalla and CFAI mock exams. I just wanted to get a good idea of what I need to

be scoring on my mock exams by November to feel confident about the real exam. Thanks for

any input and grats to those that passed!

pfcfaataf Wrote:
> for me cfai Mock and Real exam were equal, several
> questions were exactly the same. If you can score
> above 80 pct (mock), you can be 99.9 pct sure you
> will pass the real one.
> good luck!

Did not apply to L2 this year! God I am not looking forward to the results.


Do I sound like advertisement for Schweser? I am just a loyal customer, I got a pretty high GMAT long time ago with their help (I mean Kaplan).
By the way, the mocks and tests I took were from my employer and from the local CFA society, and in the last 2 weeks I used a little Qbank


Do you work for Schweser?


I scored around 60% on 2 mocks 1 month and 2 weeks before the actual exam, I don't remember the exact scores. Passed the test with Ethics, Quants and Fixed Income between 50-70%, and AI below 50%. I could not make myself read Schweser notes, and even have not had a look at CFAI texts, but I watched Schweser online classes almost regularly and I did some tests on Schweser Q-bank


I scored a 64% on the am two days before the test. I started freaking out and I re-read a lot of the alternative, derivates, and fixed income schweser notes just to refresh my memory. I also took a lot of time in the last day to really understand ethics and the parts of FRA that were giving me troubles.

I am definitely a crammer. I didn't have time to take the PM and I luckily passed the exam.

Looking back, I AM SO GLAD I READ THE SCHWESER sections right before the test. There seemed to be a lot of specific questions that I would not have known otherwise. That is what put me over the top.

Good luck to all in December.


My first Schweser mock in April yielded a score just shy of 70% although I was split 50-50 between >70 and the other two scoring ranges. On subsequent Schweser mocks (I took all six half-tests in Volume I), I raised my scores to the mid 70s. I took two CFA mocks (half-tests) and scored exactly 70% on each one.

None of these results made me especially confident about passing but since I had never done worse than a 68%, I figured I would be close. I passed Level I with all >70% except a 50-70 in Derivatives, which means I was one or two questions away from >70.

In my opinion, the CFA mocks were more realistic and a bit more difficult than the Schweser mocks. I thought the Schweser mocks were better for learning than for actually predicting exam success.


ph00bb Wrote:
> mona_porsche_targa4s Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > CFAI mock 54%
> > And schweser mocks ( book 1 only ) never
> exceeded
> > 68%
> > And I passed
> > I felt the real exam was more straight forward
> > plus no tricky questions
> Totally agree with you
> I only used CFAI textbooks for my preparation.
> Just reading the text and taking notes but it took
> me a lot of time and I finished all the text about
> 3 days before the exam
> I did CFA sample exam on 2 days before the exam,
> got 55%
> I did CFA mock exam the day just before the exam,
> got 59% for AM and 62% for PM
> But I passed , as the real exam was way straight
> forward

Be careful with this. Just because the exam was more straightforward in 2009 doesn't mean it will be in 2010. I took L1 in 2008 and the exam was just as, if not less straightforward then the mock exams. I thought the ambiguity of the 2008 exam was somewhat extreme until I took L2 in 2009. It's extremely difficult to determine what you're going to get with the CFAI.

The best advice I can give you is just to know the information. That's it. Just know it and you'll be fine.


thank u all for this wonderfull coments


I used Schweser guides and was averaging 75% on Volume 1 of the Practise exams.

On the CFAI Mock, managed 85% on the am and 68% on the pm, but did not really put the samre effort into the pm mock.

I passed, managed 8/10 in the >70% and 50-70% in 2/10, but obviously there is no way that you can actually calc ur aggregate for the exam, and thus it may be the case that i actually scored better overall than candidates who had 10/10 in >70% range.

I felt confident going into the exam but had started to get sick a couple days before, so wasn't as focused and comfortable as I would like to have been on the exam, so be healthy and avoid any sickness as much as possible.

I was also seated next to this guy who snorted throughout the first paper, and Im not talking little sniffs here, this guy was snorting so loudly and so frequently that it really distracted me. This guy received so many complaints that he was sent to write at the back of the venue for the second paper.

And so, in my opinion there are these additional challenges that can pop up which you actually have no control over, and thus I fell that you need to be hitting over 70% consistently on all mocks. ideally to go in knowing that you have been getting a few 80%'s before hand will do so much fro your confidence levels.

