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Guaranteed to Pass

Curious to hear if anyone scored above an 80% on any vendors practice exam (Schweser, Elan, even CFAI mock) and STILL failed the real thing. If you did, I'd be interested to learn a few things:

1. What, exactly, was your highest score on practice exam? And which vendor?
2. What band were you in on the real exam?
3. Did you retake the exam and pass? If so, how did your study methods change?
4. What do you feel is the biggest difference between practice and real thing? Nerves? Types of questions?


OK I'm giving 5:1 and betting on optiix passing.

Edit: Congrats optiix on those fine scores. I meant what I said about that being a fine achievement even though nobody will ever recognize you for it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 03:54PM by JoeyDVivre.


I hope JoeyDVivre is right. My last 3 schwesser mocks are significantly above 80% and I'm almost sure that if I took real exam at home today, I would pass, but I'm still affaid of stress and consider it a big threat on the real thing.


joey's right. i don't think i ever passed a schweser exam throughout all three levels

don't relax too much, though. you still have time to forget things.


I'll even give impressive odds. An 80% or better on any of the mock exams is a really fine achievement for someone who is going to pass the exam easily.


JoeyDVivre Wrote:
> If you score > 80% on a vendor's practice exam, I
> will guarantee that you pass by betting as much
> money as you want on it.

ill double whatever you're willing to put on it.


If you score > 80% on a vendor's practice exam, I will guarantee that you pass by betting as much money as you want on it.

