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Secret Sauce

I just started working through the Secret Sauce... Does anyone have any input on this? Worth the time?


I have the eleventh hour guide, basically the same thing...I think it is a good refresher..there nothing worse than getting an easy question wrong just because you forgot the formula or definition...it will help you retain some of the stuff.


very worth the time.

this should be incorporated into the 2-week final reveiw.

read a section of the secret sauce, do a bunch of Qs. its a good top level recap


I have it, but i won't be using it and I don't recommend it.

it is too general. u're better off just reading the end of chapter summaries and even going back to reference the summaries.


Yeh, I'm using it more as a refresher and to remind my self of some of the theories/assumptions/etc. I find the secret sauce is pretty good at connecting things and laying them out.



when i looked at it back at Level 1 around this time out before the exam, I was like ehhh i know all this stuff.....

i just hope thats teh case for you, you know it and you just need the scret sauce to help you retain some key points that get you easy marks on the exam...

but as a tool for learning, not so useful

