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Has anyone received the email saying when exam results will be released ?

After level I i had a email 2 weeks after.

Still nothing!

Yeah, real exciting stuff: "hey, we're gonna send you your results in about a month"

was really on the edge of my seat for that one.


oh yeah, my gym membership that lapsed last fall. Time to re-up that one.


having a full time job and going to the gym every other day really help taking CFA off my mind


I got it, and immediately my anxiety level increased. In reality, I think I would have preferred not to know the date. The more I can forget about the exam, the less disappointed I'll be if I don't pass.


just got the email. Results on Tuesday July 26th.


Didn't get an email yet but I logged onto the CFA site. Result are coming out July 26.


31ejm Wrote:
> I got my results via snail mail last week. Pilot
> program for those interested in getting their
> results earlier.

my ass


I got my results via snail mail last week. Pilot program for those interested in getting their results earlier.


what email? I received nothing, not even the post exam survey. And actually I can't find my level I results either.

