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How many pass L2 on the first attempt?

I know a lot of charterholders and a lot of people who quit before the end and universally L2 seems to be the one that (anecdotally) most people fail.

Does anyone know what the pass rate is for people passing L2 on the first attempt?

Chuckrox8 Wrote:
> It's probably around 25%. No matter how much you
> hear and read about L2 being more difficult than
> L1 many candidates don't take it to heart and put
> forth the same amount of effort as they did for
> L1.
> Anyone with a finance or accounting degree and 200
> hours of study can smoke L1. That same amount of
> effort would humble most people on L2.



It's probably around 25%. No matter how much you hear and read about L2 being more difficult than L1 many candidates don't take it to heart and put forth the same amount of effort as they did for L1.

Anyone with a finance or accounting degree and 200 hours of study can smoke L1. That same amount of effort would humble most people on L2.


iteracom Wrote:
> under 10% seems about right to me

that % is more like the % of people passing both 1 and 2 on first attempt


My estimation would be 20%.


under 10% seems about right to me


I feel smarter now


yikes that seems low


i think you can still come up with some reasonable estimates though? here are some crude numbers and estimates for june'11

assumption: number of candidates for all exams is consistent.

June 2010 L1 pass-rate: 42% (from CFAI website)
assumption: 75% of candidates who passed register for 2011 L2
2011 L2 candidates from J10 L1: ~32%

Dec 2010 L1 pass-rate: 36%
assumption: 40% of candidates who passed register for 2011 L2
2011 L2 candidates from D10 L1: ~14%

assumption: 2% of L1 passers from 2009 and before register for 2011 L2

2011 L2 pass-rate: 43%
assumption: J10 L1 candidate pass-rate: 43%
assumption: other first-time taker pass-rate: 33%
2011 L2 first-time taker pass-rate: ~19%

personally i think that number is slightly higher. i would've guessed 10%. guess this means my numbers are completely wack!


I dont believe this stat is available....

