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I just re-registered...

I just signed up to take it for a third time. I failed in Dec 2010 Band 10 and June 2011 Band 9. I literally hovered over the 'confirm order' button for 10 minutes thinking about whether I really want to do this - I decided I had to.

I initially signed up for the CFA because I needed it for my job. I signed up for a second time because I needed it for my job. I have recently changed jobs and don't need it for my new position, (it would certainly be helpful and would give me a competitive advantage) but now I feel like I need to do it for me - to restore some personal pride. I've pretty much not failed anything before so in the last 12 months I've had to take down two rather large slices of humble pie - not a pleasant experience.

I'm going to be doing a lot of practice questions. I used Schweser for both of my previous attempts but am going to switch to either Stalla or Elan - which one though? I have done some Stalla practice questions before and I have to say they seem much more like the real exam ones (vs. the overly complex and convoluted (in my opinion) Schweser ones). Has anyone out there who has failed before tried Stalla and Elan? Which do you like better and why? I would be interested to hear from you.

Finally, I'll leave you with a quote:

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt

hey mate sorry to hear but congrats for being able to pick yourself up and tackle this beast again..........my personal take is you should stick to the CFAI material as closely as possible


Also, I'd say for band 8-10. It's probably around 10-15 MC for Level 1, from a fail to a pass.

10 MC is like 3%.


Good Luck!!

I started the program 6 years ago, just recently finished.

Level 1 Failed then Passed
Level 2 Failed then Passed
Level 3 Failed, Failed, then Passed

It's all worth it in the end! There's no better feeling than to see a PASS especially when you have fallen.

I was always near band 10 when I failed too; there are some luck to the exam as well, depending on how you guessed on the questions you don't know and what topic areas they choose (applied more for level 2 and level 3).

Hope this gives some encouragement.

