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San Fran Desks

Do all the major banks have institutional FX/Bond desks in San Fran ?

brain_wash_your_face Wrote:

Did you also ask the F-Line trolley driver if he was going to Fisherman's Wharf?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 02:13PM by ohai.


Funny SF story: first time I ever went there I was taking the BART from downtown to the mission and asked like 5 people which direction to get on. Literally nobody knew because nobody was from there. I saw a dude dressed as a clown and asked him. Sure enough, he was a "Frisco"/"San Fran"/"SF"/"whatever" local and directed me down the correct route.


Actually, "Frisco" is what it is commonly called. "SF," yeah, but "San Fran?" Get outta here.


brain_wash_your_face Wrote:
> Yes, with all the usual suspects, except for some
> reason calling it "San Fran" annoys the locals.
> They prefer "Frisco."

^I hope that is a joke. "Frisco" sounds like some type of funky cocktail one would order in a Castro bar (Assuming here, generally steer clear of that area). "San Fran" or simply "SF" please. You'll get weird looks saying "Frisco".

-SF Local


Yes, with all the usual suspects, except for some reason calling it "San Fran" annoys the locals. They prefer "Frisco."


LPoulin133 Wrote:
> mar350 - We've got a hash dealing leprechaun out
> of NY, might be some opportunity to work with the
> SF desks.

love it - let's take this thing GLOBAL


Once again, the consensus on AF is clear.

mar350 - We've got a hash dealing leprechaun out of NY, might be some opportunity to work with the SF desks.


We have a lot of FI/Deriv/Equity/FX desks there for asian clients

ChickenTikka Wrote:
> Being Born Wealthy > Being Jewish or WASPY > Born
> Pretty > Top 5 MBA > CFA > Avg MBA > Born middle
> class > Born lower class > Born in crack house >
> Born middleclass in Asia and working in IT but
> looking to switch to buyside


not fx/bonds, but hash pipes and rainbows are centrailized there.

