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Schweser QBank scores

Short version: I’ve found the QBank quite useful and am curious how others’ have scored. Has using the QBank resulted in marked improvement from practice exam to practice exam? If you’ve sat for Level I before, did your QBank score more or less equal your exam score?
Longer version: I took a full-length practice exam two weeks ago, got in the mid-50’s on both morning and afternoon, and decided that, as someone who learns by doing, the QBank would be a worth purchase. I feel like I’m significantly more prepared for the exam after running through ~40% of the QBank questions.
Despite having a fairly strong accounting background, the FRA section is killing me. I’ve gotten better, but there’s still room to improve (65.38% avg.). I’ve skimped a bit on Derivatives, Portfolio Management, and Alternative Investments; I personally don’t find these categories too difficult and, given their weightings, I don’t think they warrant much attention. I’m pretty satisfied with my exam weighted average, as it’s above the magical 70% (72.64%) threshold. Given that I’ve demonstrated consistent improvement since starting the QBank questions and my results are biased downward, I hope to score in the 75-80% range on my final full-length practice on Friday.
EDIT: Delted my table. The format didn’t translate into my post well.

I was killing it on Q-bank but only translated to about 65% on the practice exams from Schweser. Tbh, I think the Q-bank is less focused than what you see on the practice exams/mocks. They seem to focus on completely different areas. I was doing 75% on FRA in Q-bank and am sitting in the 50% area on practices.
I’ve e-mailed about a few questions in the Q-bank and they come back saying they are outdated. Not sure if that is the issue or not.


Q-bank is 10000x easier than the exam should be. Q-bank is good for initial studying but at this late in the game it doesn’t mean much.

