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For those of you saying the PM was easy...

Can you please elaborate? Does that mean you thought that most of the PM questions were “easy” or that there were enough easy questions to get a passing score in the PM?
Again, as mentioned in another thread, there were so many obscure questions or ones that were tested in a way inconsistent with the curriculum examples.  I wish I could make reference to specific examples, but obviously cannot.

PM is easy relative to AM, but FULL of traps. I’m pretty sure many candidates (>50%) would miss some information that are critical for the correct answer. The information in previous paragarphs are frequently used to solve the question related to the target paragraph. By this, I mean, if you think that to answer question 6 you can only refer to the 6th paragraph, then you might have been tricked becasue several questions require you to use information in previous parargraphs.
If you know what I’m talking about, you see the tricks. Otherwise, you probably missed those.


The PM was easy.  Yes, there were tricks but those were expected and if you had done mocks you would have known to look for them.


If there are different AM exams, why is there only one exam (questions & answers) released on the CFAI website?  I beleive that there was only one exam for 2012, right?


I thought PM was very tough compared to the mocks I did, but felt it was much easier than AM. And although the PM was tough, I still think I was able to do pretty well on it. Who knows though, we’ll find out in a couple months.


I thought the PM was tougher for me simply because I couldn’t recall how to do certain calcs and the sections I’m weakest showed up. But a good portion of that section I feel good about just about 10+ or so that I’m not sure I ended up with the right answer after narrowing down or guessing.


I found PM tough and not close to what Mock provided for practice. It was more closer to Sample test ($40 paid tests).


I would avoid mentioning specific topics that were tested  , because that is clearly a violation , even when you don’t reveal details . There is an example in Ethics Reading addressing this .
Example 4 page 135 : Rossi ” by revealing specific portions of the CBOK covered on the exam etc, however , she did violate Standard VII(A) and the Candidate Pledge “


I think almost certainly had different exams globally, I sat it in London and found the AM pretty easy compared with the mocks, certainly not trivia heavy. But the PM was extremely vague with some very poorly worded questions and was tougher than any of the mocks i’ve done.
I’m predicting a worst case scenario of 65% for the PM but hoping that the AM saves me with > 70%.


I could not complete my AM, missed out on 12 points or so.
I thought AM was tough.
PM was relatively easy, I do expect 80%
BTW any guesses on what MPS will be based on difficulty this year? asking cos If i can pass it will be borderline, as i missed 12 points in AM.

