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关于LEVEL1中weak /semi-strong forms的疑惑

notes中写 weak form无法用technical analysis获得长期abnormal profit/ semi-strong无法用fundamental analysis

但在2013mock morning 88题答案中写的semi-strong form 包含了weak form....= = 一时无法理解 求大神解答

还有,2013mock afternoon中83题 C选项 说semi-strong既不能使technician又不能使fundamental analysts 获得consistently abnormal returns..... =2= 也不太理解哎~

weak form - prices reflect all historical information, which means that technical analysis cannot generate abnormal return

semi strong form - prices reflect all public information (past and current), which means technical and fundamental analysis cannot be used to generate abnormal return


weak form是current information 充分 semi是historical和current information充分 所以semi比weak多了historical 所以semi 包含weak 技术分析因为近期信息充分所以 没有优势 semi因为historical跟近期数据都充分 所以基本面分析没有优势
我记得是这样 记错了大哥别揍我


=2= 自顶一下...有大神解答咩?

