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本人看过了2009年的notes,但是里面有好多看不懂的数学公式!本人英语超过6极水平,但是数学真的很差,大学都是学纯粹文科,毕业后误打误撞进了金融行业工作,但是时间不长,平时也不接触这些数学理论。请各位有经验的高手指教一下,要过level 1 大概需要准备多久?要怎么入手?先感谢大家!




Thanks Denis, I'm looking forward to hearing good news from you, take care.


Hi coolzwy,

I will try my best for this long exam.If I have any problem I don't hesitate to ask you.

I take a free open lecture of Kaplan in Shanghai,the detail information you could ask your friend to their website.



以下是引用hyj2008在2009-1-17 19:53:00的发言:

Hi,coolzwy.I'm very glad to see your message here again.

I got an opportunity to have a lecture for Quantitative Analysis on Level one today.The whole lecture covers statistical concepts and market retuns.I think it's not difficult as I image before.After the lecture I made a decision to have a try on level one this year.

You are brilliant! I lived with parents in Shanghai without family obligation.

Anyway,thanks for your encouragement!

Hi Hyj, Congrats!  I'm glad you made the decision.  And I'm proud of you became a CFA candidate with no finance/Math academic background.  Please feel free to contact me if you need help and I would like to hear any progress you make.  Good luck,


P.S. Where did you have the CFA review classes?  One of my friends in Shanghai asked.  Would you please send me some information about it?  Thank you,




Hi,coolzwy.I'm very glad to see your message here again.

I got an opportunity to have a lecture for Quantitative Analysis on Level one today.The whole lecture covers statistical concepts and market retuns.I think it's not difficult as I image before.After the lecture I made a decision to have a try on level one this year.

You are brilliant! I lived with parents in Shanghai without family obligation.

Anyway,thanks for your encouragement!


以下是引用hyj2008在2009-1-16 19:50:00的发言:


U R welcome hyj, it was glad to hear that you had those answers already. ..Go back to the questions you asked, Will you give a try for the level one? Do you make your decision yet?

Don't let the money issue become a real issue when you make decisions for your future at your age, if you really have a clear vision and passion to seize the opportunity and realize your dream.  As you said, you have a pretty good job in a investment related company (I guess u r in Shanghai or ShengZhen).  I assume that you are not that tight on $ and no family obligation.  So each cent you spend/invest is to/for yourself.  (pay attention on these two words 'spend' and 'invest').  It's all about change the ratio between those two in the future    For me, the biggest cost will not be the physical $ mount we will spend on it but the opportunity cost we will pay. 

Last, 你是文科的,please review李白的将进酒’line 4. Ha ha。。。

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-17 1:29:30编辑过]





