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Reading 54: Efficient Capital Markets- LOS b(part 3)~ Q


LOS b, (Part 3): Explain the overall conclusions about each form of the EMH.

Q1. Which of the following statements about the efficient market hypothesis, security markets, options, and real estate is least accurate?

A)   Efficient market studies have found that no trading strategy outperforms the market.

B)   Returns on real estate investments typically have low correlations with returns on stocks and bonds.

C)   The depth of the market is typically defined as the number of traders willing to trade at prices above and below the current price.


Q2. Which of the following statements about the implications of tests for the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is least accurate?

A)   The best way to measure the performance of investments professionals is against a randomly selected buy-hold strategy of stocks (assuming the same risk level).

B)   By purchasing an index fund, an investor can match the market return and minimize costs.

C)   Other than corporate insiders and market specialists, most traders have monopolistic access to information, which rejects the strong-form EMH.


Q3. Studies from which form(s) of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) provide evidence that security prices adjust so quickly to a public announcement that it is not possible for investors to realize significant abnormal returns after a public announcement has been made?

A)   weak-form of the EMH.

B)   strong-form of the EMH.

C)   semistrong-form of the EMH.


Q4. Which of the following statements regarding capital market efficiency is most accurate?

A)   Corporate insiders and stock exchange specialists have monopolistic access to information that can be used to obtain positive abnormal returns.

B)   Event studies and time series tests provide evidence that markets do not tend to be semi-strong form efficient.

C)   Study results generally do not support the strong form of the efficient market hypothesis.


Q5. Which of the following statements describes the overall conclusions regarding the weak-form of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH)?

A)   Corporate insiders and exchange specialists have monopolistic access to highly valuable information.

B)   All evidence indicates that simple trading rules generate positive abnormal returns.

C)   Most evidence indicates that after incorporating trading costs, simple trading rules do not generate positive abnormal profits.


















