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Unless $100 is a lot of money to you, I would say go for it. At least then you will put your mind at ease (but be prepared for nothing to change because it won't)


Analyzethis07 Wrote:
> I am just perplexed as the item sets I thought I
> did well on I didn't, and vice versa!

Preaching to the choir dude - Im looking at my PM item sets and can't understand how I got less than 50 on 3 of em and the AM - I did worse this year than last and I thought I had most of those questions answered well


My Level 2 results when I failed:

Item Set
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 18 - * -
- Corporate Finance 36 - * -
- Derivatives 36 - - *
- Economics 18 * - -
- Equity Investments 72 - * -
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * -
- Financial Statement Analysis 72 - - *
- Fixed Income Investments 36 - - *
- Portfolio Management 18 * - -
- Quantitative Methods 18 - * -

I failed it and I was a band 10. Believe me on any ratio you look at these results, I was VERY close to passing and the matrix alone was better than some who passed.

I went for a retab and it did nothing - just gave CFAI another 100 for free. I did it for closure because I didn't want to go through another year for 100 dollars however after going through the process last year, its not worth it and a retab does not make a difference 99.95% of the time.


Just $100 will feed the CFA machine for two weeks; $600 can feed it for a year...

The cfainstitute is not a money-making enterprise. Oh no. Every penny it receives is ploughed back into supporting cfa-qualified unemployable people make repeated changes to the curriculum, and calculating the incremental failure rate to candidate ratio - which is not easy let me tell you.

The CFA Institute sets right what once went wrong, hoping each time that their next leap (in candidate numbers) will be the last one...


i really can't imagine why anyone would retab a level I or II as the cards are just fed thru an electronic grader. only time i see any value (although that value is extremely small) is for level III to readd the morning session scores.


Do they actually reread the essay questions? I feel like they haven't even read mine as my answers were on different pages.


they readd the points only they do not regrade!!!!!!!!!!


They do the math - but do NOT review the grading methods or decisions.

