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picnic Wrote:
> I haven't had to write the exams with kids or
> while pregnant, but I would think one of the main
> things you should ask yourself is how helpful is
> the father? Will he come home from work and take
> over some of the baby minding (between feedings),
> prepare dinner, clean up, bathe the baby, etc.? I
> would think if he is that type of guy then that
> might allow you a few hours each evening to study,
> even if it is not productive, because you're
> inevitably tired. If you'll be on your own to do
> 100% of baby care and home care and all the middle
> of the night wake-ups then I would guess it would
> be nearly impossible to study.
> Just my two cents.

I agree, with this. If you have a helpful partner, you should be ok. My little boy is 10 weeks old and I'm telling you I have NEVER been this consistently tired. There is no way I could have sat level 3 like this. And like the Sniper, I am the daddy!


I passed Level 2 when my son was 6 months old- passed Level 3 while 8.5 months pregnant. It's possible! I did it with the help of a good nanny- in my case, my husband works like crazy so literally impossible otherwise. Good luck!


I think one of the biggest keys to success post-partum is trying to get enough consecutive SLEEP in the evenings--at least 5-6 hours. Otherwise, your study time will be hampered by that overwhelming desire to put your head down or go find a snack.

Our second child was born a month before L2 last year and it was a real challenge for me--as the husband--although I think the lessons learned apply to either spouse.

Having the non-studying spouse pull a bit more of the night duty (12am and 3am feedings or feeding-assistance) will enable you to be awake enough to put in some quality time throughout the day--especially in the morning, before the recurring sleep-eat-diaper-sleep cycle spins too many times and you just want to watch TV instead.

Also, sleeping in a separate room (if you can handle this) at night helps because the night-duty spouse can be the one to react to whimpers and crying rather than you, the CFA candidate.

If you can stave off exhaustion, I think you can accomplish anything you put your mind to during this period!



Someone in my office just returned from maternity leave and she passed L3 in June. Saw her at the exam, it was her second try. Mucho respect.

