Equity method and dividends rec'd...confused
2010 Schweser Practice - Book 1 Exam 1 PM #74
I'm confused here.
Here is part of the answer key. Midland is an associate and we use equity method to report :
Since Iberia owns 40% of Midland (5 million shares owned I 12.5 million total shares
outstanding), the equity method is used. Under the equity method, Iberia reports its
pro-rata share of Midland's net income (€5 million loss x 40% = €2 million loss).
Changes in market value are ignored under the equity method.
** My concern is with Midland. Our share of the 5million loss is 2 million, which I report on the I/S. Midland also paid out $4 million in dividends in the year. Our share of that dividend is 1.6 million, which will end up in cash.
Should I not be reporting the 1.6 dividend received AND the 2 million loss on the income statement?
In the answer key, they ignore the dividend received and only report the portion of the net loss to the I/S.