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Maximum value for your time

Do you agree that Alternative Investment gets maximum value for your time. It is 5-15% with only 145 pages and not that complex like ethics.

good point


I don't think so. I believe last year there was only 1 vignette. 6 questions. All private equity. There was no hedge funds, real estate, etc. I was SOL when that vignette came.

I always think FSA is best bang for your buck.


I disagree. Ethics is the best bank for your buck, especially since you've covered the standards in L1. It is guaranteed to show up on two item sets.



well if yall wanna get that much into it, FSA is the least amount of pages per % point of the exam. wouldnt that equal the most bang for the buck? Ethics only becomes important if you are on the verge of passing.


I disagree with you, BPD. In my view, the marginal benefit of each minute studying ethics is lower than most other sections (assuming you are at the 60-70% level already). But I know a lot of studs that share your view, so don't listen to me.

I just wish there was a list of the 100 ethics 'gotchas'--you know, the curveballs that they use to test your understanding of ethics per CFAI that have about zero bearing on your actual integrity...[/soapbox]


The more I study Equities, FRA, etc... the better I do. There is no judgment call when it comes to calculating RI, FCFF, CFO, etc.. It is what it is. Ethics is so damn ambiguous. Even if I had my Ethics book in front of me for the exam I would still probably fail the section. My mind just doesn't work like that. I like concrete numbers and facts.


Yes... but you are neglecting the "ethics" swing vote... def ethics.


The+1Guy Wrote:
> jmhatlanta Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yes... but you are neglecting the "ethics"
> swing
> > vote... def ethics.
> +1
> I agree, I'm saving Friday as a day to completely
> re-read Ethics (exam is on Sunday in Australia so
> we get an extra day :-) and then Saturday is a
> rest day.
> For me this is important because I discovered a
> new reading yesterday!! While doing the PM sample
> exam I came across a few questions which I didn't
> recognise. After the exam I checked the Ethics
> book, and discovered a reading (in amongst the
> case studies) which I had completely skipped over.
> So Friday will be an important day for me!

What kinda question ws tht? They wont test the specifics of cases right? So i didnt go thru it thoroughly either

