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CFA vs Elan Mock - Ethics

First up, I thought the Cfa mock was overall much harder than elans...

The ethics section on cfa crippled me however, anyone else feel this? Which is more realistic?

I was getting around 90 percent on ethics in the elan mock, got around 30 in cfa!

Why would you need to memorize the names? They provide the names...isn't it more about what each standard entails?


Elan's Ethics questions are easier, but for other topic areas they're are a good reflection of the actual test. You must read Ethics at least once from the curriculum and do the EOC questions to improve your performance. Have you already done so?


I haven't taken the Elan tests, but I found the CFAI mocks pretty close to the actual exam questions. For me, the key strategy for answering the Ethics questions was to figure out which of the 7 professional standards they addressed:

(1) Professionalism
(2) Integrity of Capital Markets
(3) Duties to Clients
(4) Duties to Employers
(5) Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Actions
(6) Conflicts of Interest
(7) Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate

To help remember this list, I used the mnemonic: "Professional Investors Don't Disclose Internal Confidential Relationships."

Hope this helps,

neemonyx.com (or nee.ms)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 05:52PM by wbrocks.


CFA mock ethics is tough in my opinion. I took CFA mock afternoon and scored 50% in ethics. In the schweser practice tests I got consistently above 70% in this section.


I agree, the CFA mock exam was tough for ethics. Ethics is one of my strong areas based on all the other tests I've done, but I got a 60 on the CFA mock.


I had a hard time with the afternoon section as well. I was scoring in the 80's on Stalla and Elan and EOC questions, but didn't do very hot on the CFA mock... I'm kinda worried now...


I was feeling confident with ethics after doing elan... but then i did the cfa mock and everything changed!


I feel the same way, Elan was fantastic in preparation for everything BUT ethics. I got 192/240 on the CFA Mock, but only 19/36 on Ethics, at this point I'm not too worried about it since I can pass while bombing it, however, I am reading the CFA curriculum for it before the exam begins.


looks like you got a lot covered though.. with 192/240. im still stuck in the 55-60% region.

Best prep for ethics qs is probably re-reading the examples in the cfa book and doing the eoc qs again. W

