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Can we please stop discussing exam questions?

I know some of you love to debate whether A, B or C was correct and some of you are obviously struggling to take your mind off the exam. However, for everyone's peace of mind, I suggest we stop discussing exam questions. Let's just wait patiently for the results and evaluate things from there. We cannot change our answers so I think it makes sense to put an end to trying to remember the exact wording of questions and answers etc.

I also tried to believe in your cause for some days. The problem is that both CFA and AnalystForum is super addictive. Tell me what to do??


thommo is correct, but I just keep logging on here because it's nice to see other people fretting exam results like you, misery loves company.

that being said, posting exams questions is rather stupid. you're just going to second guess yourself into a pit of hell. thinking about it now drives me mad. AAAAAGH!


I like the effort but the good thing to me is learning what I did incorrectly. Since we never get an exact score or know which ones we really got wrong learning the ones I did is helpful if I need to re take it in the future. It also helps me get a better idea on how many I know I got wrong and how likely it is I may/may not have passed, but that is my own opinion.


People can discuss whatever they want. Just don't click on the threads if you don't want to read it.


Seconded. The problem with "discussing" some of the questions is that we don't know the correct answer which doesn't get us anywhere.


I am totally with you 4Tay.

There are many postings that I am not interested to, so I simply don't click on them....


@ Thommo.. How so?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 02:42PM by 4Tay.


You mean if I do not wish to read something that I am not interested in, I should not click on the thread? Wow, that fact totally escaped me, thanks for pointing that out 4Tay. Great advice. I will bear that in mind the next time I click on threads with interesting titles only to realize it is a discussion on an exam question.


thommo77 Wrote:
> You mean if I do not wish to read something that I
> am not interested in, I should not click on the
> thread? Wow, that fact totally escaped me, thanks
> for pointing that out 4Tay. Great advice. I will
> bear that in mind the next time I click on threads
> with interesting titles only to realize it is a
> discussion on an exam question.

Good, I see you're getting it now. And just to kill two birds with one stone, I think sending a missing puzzle piece as a thank note a hilarious idea. So feel free to do that for your next interview. Let us know how it goes.


上一主题:more OAS confusion
下一主题:Value of Option