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Road after CFA level 1 -Jobs tips


After completing my CFA Level 1, I plan on approaching a few companies to begin getting my feet wet in the industry. I'm really interested in M&A plus I have a friend in that area who has given me some info about it.

I'm based in Alberta,Canada and really just want to get into the investment banking industry and get some experience.

My question is are there any strategies or tips or methods to go about doing this? an does anybody have any recommendations on where to start?...finally if anyone has any contacts to network of course i would be more than grateful.

Any information/suggestions are welcome.

Thank you

Two words for you bud: Middle East!


level 1 doesn't mean jack sh*t to the employers.


Jayusx Wrote:
> level 1 doesn't mean jack sh*t to the employers.

Agree 100% .. I'm in Middle East!


Buji Falcon Wrote:
> Jayusx Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > level 1 doesn't mean jack sh*t to the
> employers.
> Agree 100% .. I'm in Middle East!

Well I'm in Dubai and it actually does - It wouldn't get you your dream job but it would increase your chances of getting better jobs ... I know one of the biggest companies here that actually requires all employees in their training program to get CFA level 1 before they are given the position of "financial analyst" at the company .. Other companies increase your salary upon completing CFA level 1; the increase is between 10-15% from your original salary based on what I have seen .. so Level 1 on its own isn't bad.

But besides from getting better jobs/higher salaries, it is enough to show to your employer/potential employer that you can handle that much amount of studies and work on your own - that you are taking stuff seriously ..

Not only this, but you also make your resume looks better if instead of saying "I passed level 1" you put "Level II candidate"


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, January 24, 2011 at 04:35PM by Omar Adnan.


You wont get a job on the strength of the L1 exam alone (there are jobs you can get on the strength of the designation alone), but if you otherwise on equal footing with another job candidate who does not have L1, it sure wont hurt.


Omar Adnan Wrote:

> Not only this, but you also make your resume looks
> better if instead of saying "I passed level 1" you
> put "Level II candidate"
> Omar

Better make sure you are registered for L2 (as in, paid and registered, not that you plan to register) or you will in violation of the COE.


yodacaia Wrote:
> Omar Adnan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not only this, but you also make your resume
> looks
> > better if instead of saying "I passed level 1"
> you
> > put "Level II candidate"
> >
> > Omar
> Better make sure you are registered for L2 (as in,
> paid and registered, not that you plan to
> register) or you will in violation of the COE.

I guess everyone here knows what a candidate means


iteracom Wrote:
> Omar Adnan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Well I'm in Dubai and it actually does -
> > .. Other companies increase your salary upon
> > completing CFA level 1; the increase is between
> > 10-15% from your original salary based on what
> I
> > have seen .. so Level 1 on its own isn't bad.
> >
> >
> > Omar
> That's nuts.
> I agree with other posters about L1 doing squat
> for the job search. 10-15% salary boost definitely
> does not apply to new york. You'll be lucky enough
> to have the company pay for the exam and books. A
> salary boost in NY? in your dreams maybe.
> Most of the candidates want to get a job in the
> financial power center's, so there's such a
> surplus of CFA candidates, especially around New
> York.

There is difference in the level of salaries paid to begin with .. 10-15% of $5k might not be a big deal for many after all


Happened to speak about CFA (L1 in particular) with the COO of a leading invt bank...quote" It just indicates u have a reasonable head on ur shoulders and are willing to work hard, nothing much beyond that" unquote

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 02:09PM by yalo.

