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Exchange rate, check your understanding

$:SF = 1.5960-70
$:A$ = 1.8225-35

How would you quote the A$:SF (bid and ask)?

SF/A$ = .876 - .8762


I got: $:A$ = 1.14120; i don't follow how you get a bid-ask quote?


I did it again, and I got the same results. What's the answer?
I got .875 - .8763 (roughly)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, May 31, 2010 at 05:52PM by CFA.Rhythm.


bid = 1.5960 / 1.8235 = .8752

ask = 1.5970 / 1.8225 = .8763

set-up the equation so the currency that you dont want is eliminated (USD) - in order to do that you need to have indirect quote of A/$ so you divide and use the ask


a:b / a:c = c:b

A$:SF = 0.87524 - 0.87627

when you go left you use the ask, and when right the bid

(eg. $:SF = 1.5960-70, when you go from SF to $ you use ask and when from $ to SF use the bid)


Answer should be

0.8752 - 0.8762


just one of those days.

Post a question (with no answer) and go get a pizza for an hour.


0.8752 - 0.8763

sorry, it's hectic around here.


1/ To make them look more familiar:

SF/$ = 1.5960-70
A$/$ = 1.8225-35

2/ Divide them together but remember for bid, use the smallest number on numerator and largest number on denominator; the same for ask, use the largest number on numerator and smallest one on denominator:

SF/$A bid: 1.5960/1.8235=0.8752 ask: 1.5970/1.8225=0.8763

Did I get it?

