My choice will be D. I might want to see the whole question to have a deep analysis, but here is what's in my mind now. Accounting Costs= Explicit Costs Economic Costs =Explicit Costs + Implicit Costs =Opportunity Costs Accounting Profit = TR – explicit costs Economic Profit = TR – explicit and implicit costs = Opportunity Cost Accounting profits are Total Revenue minus the Cost of Producing Goods/Services (Baye, 2006) Economic profit is the difference between Total Revenue and the Total Opportunity Cost of Producing Goods/Services. Economic profit is referred to as the implicit cost of giving up the next best alternative use of a resource used in producing the good/service. If a small firm and a big corporation invested in a same project with same amount of money, the Economic Profit/ Opportunity Cost is same 50万 in turns of the value of the money. 假设,2007年我和一个欧洲回来的朋友合伙投资50万在上海新天地和在北京三里屯各开一家咖啡店,同时“Starbucks星巴克”也在同样的地点以同样的成本开了咖啡店. 对于这50万的投入对我们和星巴克的50万是一样的。一年后,星巴克由于经营不善关闭了其中一家。而我们的店(由于一直沿用源于欧州一小镇的手工研磨工艺)在经济不好情况下还能勉强维持一定数量的客人并小有盈余。在Profits 上就不同了。 但这事与之前投入的50万机会成本没有直接关系。Economic costs both of the companies are the same. 哈。。。 当然现实生活中,this large firm usually will invest much more than a papa-mama shop. I agree with “zining”’s answer. This question is asking …INTEND TO be higher for …the Here’s my answer and opinion, please let know your thoughts, thank you. |