Securities that convey ownership of a fractional part of each mortgage in a pool of mortgages backing the securities. Mortgage payments are sent to the issuer of the securities and then passed through to those who bought the securities. Each security owner shares proportionally the interest and principal payments generated by the underlying pool of mortgages. Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) – A security backed by a pool of pass-throughs , structured so that there are several classes of bondholders with varying maturities, called tranches. The principal payments from the underlying pool of pass-through securities are used to retire the bonds on a priority basis as specified in the prospectus. Related: mortgage pass-through security Tranche - One of several related securities offered at the same time. Tranches from the same offering usually have different risk, reward, and/or maturity characteristics. Planned amortization class CMO - (1) One class of CMO that carries the most stable cash flows and the lowest prepayement risk of any class of CMO. Because of that stable cash flow, it is considered the least risky CMO. (2) A CMO bond class that stipulates cash-flow contributions to a sinking fund. With the PAC, principal payments are directed to the sinking fund on a priority basis in accordance with a predetermined payment schedule, with prior claim to the cash flows before other CMO classes. Similarly, cash flows received by the trust in excess of the sinking fund requirement are also allocated to other bond classes. The prepayment experience of the PAC is therefore very stable over a wide range of prepayment experience. |