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This is a short-term investment, about 2 months. We may have some heuristic biases, but the goal is clear.

IPS: Goal Is PasS (GIPS)


WENDY...that's correct (and no doubt that IPS is key!! duh) as you put it:

"you would be wise to recognize that CFAI has favorite topics (IPS in particular) that are tested disproportionately heavily every year, and that you should devote a disproporionately large portion of your preparation time to those topics."

But, to pass this puppy I would strongly suggest the L3 candidate be familiar with (and preferably have a phenomenal grasp) of all the readings and not try to guess/"game" this thing. The exam time pressure is !@#$% unbelievable, and greater "LEARNING" will give you awesome confidence that day.....plus, the pass/fail margin is often in those less "favorite topics" you mention!


上一主题:EBIT and capitalization of interest expense?
下一主题:cfa marking scheme