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Yes - or at least I hope so!

I started in Feb last yr for L2 with a full time job (and maintained a social life, sort of).

HOWEVER... I failed BUT got band 10.

This year I am starting this week. Good luck to all 4 monthers


Actuarial exams are more difficult than CFA level II and are often passed with less than four months of time. Granted many candidates get employer support and 120ish study hours from their job, but it can certainly be done.


If you are relying on CFA text totally, then u dont need extra notes. however, extra practice exams would b good or get q bank to drill in concepts inside your brain.


How could anybody study for 12 hours for more than a few days in a row.. 4 months would be ridiculous.


上一主题:Adjusted CFO (Equity)
下一主题:Daily VAR