上一主题:difference between the fed funds rate and the interbank rate
下一主题:Time Pressure - Which Mock Exams Are Best?
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john99986 Wrote:
> but for equal you equally
> weight the price weighted returns not the market
> cap ones

What do you mean ?


the show NY Wrote:
> Equal: (7.7 + 17.9 + 14.3 + 11.6 + 10.5) / 5 =
> 12.4%

Why changes in prices (%) are used to calculate ?

Shall it be : (8.2+26.0+13.2+9.1+12.1) / 5 = 13.72% ?


上一主题:difference between the fed funds rate and the interbank rate
下一主题:Time Pressure - Which Mock Exams Are Best?